An application can be completed here: Summer 2025 Application.
This summer, we will have themed weeks of summer camp that incorporate hands-on, project-based learning. This form will be used to select weeks you are interested in having your child attend our summer camp. Enrollment is offered on a first come, first serve basis for currently enrolled families. If space remains, then enrollment will open to families who are enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year. If space remains, we will then open enrollment to former MCPKA families, then non-MCPKA families. If space is available for the week(s) selected, Miss Cheyenne will contact you to complete the registration process. In order to prevent losing your placement, be sure to complete payment(s) and paperwork on the required due dates. Note: Some or all weeks of camp for Summer 2025 will be lead by Miss Devon and at least one additional assistant teacher.
PLEASE NOTE: Planning for the upcoming summer is still in progress. Certain details or themes may be subject to change.
Eligible Grades:
*Rising pre-kindergarteners (4 by 9/1)
*Rising transitional-kindergarteners (5 by 12/31)
*Rising kindergarteners (5 by 9/1)
Days: Monday-Friday (unless otherwise noted)
Hours: 9:00am-3:30pm
Tuition: $450 per camper, per week (unless otherwise noted)
Daily Schedule
(Flexible as needed)
Full Day
9:00-9:10am Arrival (Note: all students must arrive by 9:10am)
9:10am-9:30am Table Time
9:30-9:45am Circle Time
9:45-10:00am Snack and Independent Reading
10:00-11:00am Daily Project
11:00am-11:30am Outdoor Play/Daily Walk/Bikes
11:30am-12:00pm Lunch
12:00-2:15pm Centers/Optional Rest
2:15pm-3:15pm - Snack and Recess
3:15-3:30pm Pack up/Clean up/Circle and Prepare for Dismissal
Summer Camp Enrollment Process:
Select weeks of interest
Miss Cheyenne will send you an invitation to register.
Summer tuition due within one week of request.
Summer registration forms due within one week of request.
Note: Your child's spot will not be secured until payment and registration forms are submitted in full.